Monday, 2 September 2013

You Filthy Little Liar

If you remember this post from a few months ago, I spoke of the need to not check things obsessively. One thing I used to do daily in the morning, out of habit, was checking my weight. The weighing machine sits conveniently in the kitchen (I don't know how it got there), so before breakfast, I'd automatically weigh myself. Not because I'm keeping tabs on it or anything. Just...because.

For the past two months, though, this pattern was broken due to inconveniences resulting from the renovation that’s currently on. I pulled out my faithful weighing machine again a couple of days ago, fully prepared to see a higher number than the last time I’d checked (I’ve not exactly been watching my dessert consumption). The weight indicated by the machine shocked me.


According to it, I lost a couple of Kilograms! Yeah, right. Who are you kidding, you filthy little liar. I can see I’ve been piling on a little. I can feel my jeans fit a little snugger. Are you trying to make me think those two big slices of black forest cake I had yesterday are perfectly fine? (In my defense, I bought the cake half-off. Who would be crazy enough to pass up a chance to buy a black forest cake at 50% off??)

Time to change your batteries, you old fibber. I’d rather know the cold hard truth than get lied to.


  1. I'm sure mine lies to - it keeps ADDING numbers. Must be batteries on steroids!

    1. Those batteries need to slow down and take it easy :)

  2. hahahah so funny.
    Half the price, and half the calories, possibly?

  3. Hahahaa I would go mad if I had a weighing machine at home :P

  4. I've not dared step on mine since I got back off holiday! I'm sure mine would lie to me too :-)

  5. Mega-sweet tooth here, and I completely agree- it wouldn't be right to leave that 50% off cake! Well hey, congrats!

    perfectly priya

  6. i have a digital, which is completely unreliable. i step on it 3 times and kinda avg the three.

  7. Maybe you're lighter because some muscle turned into fat? That happens to me a fair bit, I'll weigh less when I feel like I've put on a couple... :( good thing my flat doesn't have a scale and I just can't be arsed seeing that number again!!

    1. Eeeek! Is this a real thing? Does this actually happen??!
